Crypto Tools For

Token Tooset is a free suite of tools designed to help crypto investors make smarter decisions when evaluating potential investments.

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Research the Market

Use the app's tools to analyze and compare crypto projects, identifying potential opportunities.

Strategize your Investments

Based on your research, plan exit strategies and set price targets using the app's planning tools.

Optimize your Portfolio

Utilize the app's tracking and discovery features to optimize your holdings over time.

Market Cap Comparison

This tool models the potential ROI if a smaller market cap coin reaches the market cap of a larger project - it estimates the future price, ROI multiple, and position value if the source coin achieves the target's market cap.

  • Compare projects and estimate ROI of a source project and target project
  • Calculates future price, ROI multiple, and position value
  • Can base targets on current or all-time high market caps

Take-Profit Planner

This tool allows investors to visualize their exit strategy by setting customized price milestones to take profits - detailing the tokens sold, dollar amount realized, and remaining token balance at each target.

  • Set custom price targets to take profits (2x, 10x, 25x etc)
  • Models profit taken, balance left, and tokens remaining at each milestone
  • Helps plan exits and create a structured selling schedule

ROI Calculator

This tool lets investors see the possible future dollar value of their positions at higher market cap milestones - simply input your current holdings to visualize returns.

  • Projects possible valuation of your holdings if the market cap hits certain levels
  • Enter current token amount to estimate future dollar values

DeFi "Gems"

This tool allows investors to discover undervalued projects in the decentralized finance sector by analyzing key metrics like TVL, FDV, and market cap - highly rated gems represent protocols with solid fundamentals but market valuations not yet reflecting their potential.

  • Uncovers DeFi hidden gems with strong fundamentals but lower valuations
  • Rates projects based on ratios of TVL, FDV, and Market Cap
  • Saves time researching overlooked or undervalued DeFi protocols

Fiat-Crypto Conversion

This tool allows investors to seamlessly convert between popular fiat currencies and leading cryptocurrencies.

  • Instantly see conversion rates between fiat and crypto
  • Customize the fiat and crypto currencies displayed for easy comparison
  • Input any amount in one currency to view the converted values

Project Comparison

This tool allows users to easily compare key data metrics across multiple crypto projects side-by-side.

  • Quickly view important metrics like price, volume, market cap, all-time high, all-time low, etc. for easy comparison
  • Side-by-side view makes it easy to visually compare metrics between multiple projects at a glance
  • Access quick ROI investment comparison between multiple projects

© Token Toolset